... Restlessness, lack of calmness, rigidity, feeling of emptiness and empty functioning, mental spinning, insomnia, compulsive control, breathing problems, shortness of breath, feeling of pressure on the chest, fatigue, confusion, loss of meaning, lack of concentration, tensions.
These and other symptoms can be successfully addressed with Breath Therapy. The close engagement with one's own body perceptions, the practice of mindfulness in dealing with oneself and one's environment, the recognition and building up of one's own resources results in a healthy balance on all levels. Exploring one's own breathing power additionally strengthens the recognition of one's own self-efficacy. After the breathing treatment, the client feels balanced, at home in his or her body, centered, and able to master and enjoy everyday life.
Rämistrasse 39, 8001 Zürich
Email: info(at)praxis-dg.com
Phone: +41 78 404 04 59