My father was diagnosed with a rare disease shortly before I was born, which unexpectedly and unpreparedly shocked the whole family. When I was 9 years old, he died.
Today, I can write and speak about it calmly and serenely. But it was not always like that. I needed time and professional support to process this and related stories, and so regain freedom and confidence.
After high school, I moved to St. Gallen, where I studied economics and finance. I was convinced of my studies and envisioned a career in finance in Zurich. At 27, I was determined to go for an early middle-life crisis: I actually had everything I had wanted in my life - a promising career in the financial sector, the necessary recognitions, a stable relationship, regulated finances. And at the same time the burning questions "Is that all?", "Is that what I want?", " Which stories do I want to tell my grandchildren?" arose and I soon found myself in a inner conflict that deprived me of strength and energy.
I did not want to ignore these questions; even if their answers could have meant the loss of convictions, prestige, security, people. I listened to my needs, finished chapters of my life, started new ones, revised others, rewrote some, and interrupted others. And today, after decisive encounters, studies in coaching and thanks to breath therapy, I feel free - free to express myself, to go my own way, to help others to deal mindfully and respectfully with stress, breaks and losses and to breathe deeply again. This is a privilege for me; a joy. And I can't imagine doing anything better.
Rämistrasse 39, 8001 Zürich
Email: info(at)
Phone: +41 78 404 04 59